How Often Should I Check Google Analytics?



“How Often Should I Check Google Analytics?”

So glad you are asking that, because a lot of people don’t even bother to check their Google Analytics!

As a matter of fact, I was doing a private coaching session, and I asked, “How much traffic are you getting on your website?” And she’s like, “Oh, I don’t know.” Well, you should know! That’s one of the most important things you should be measuring with online marketing.

Everybody gets a website and spends thousands of dollars. The purpose of a website is to drive traffic to your business. But if you don’t know how much of the traffic or what you’re converting to come to your medi spa or spa, then how do you know if it’s effective or not? So here’s what you should look for.

1. How much or how many visitors you are getting every single month.
That’s easy to do because you can go and set up your Google Analytics. By the way it is free, if you don’t have that set up already. That’s really your first step. So let me back up a little bit. You can go to Google and search Google Analytics and you can set up an account. That way you can monitor the productivity of your website all the time.

You should be tracking every single week and find out what your traffic is like. So at the end of the month, at least you should see how much traffic you had. Now here’s the biggest mistake people do.

2. Gain opt-ins
Most people have a website, but they have no strategies to get people to sign up for things from the website. You really should be tracking the conversion rate of the website.

So let’s say you had 1000 visitors and out of the 1000, many people filled out an opt-in form, whether it’s a register to win a medical spa treatment or a spa day, a consultation, asking a question, a contact us form, whatever it is… You should have a ratio that you’re shooting for.

3. Measure
So out of the 1000 people who showed up, how many of them opted-in and filled out a form? And then out of the people who opted-in, how many actually became new medi spa clients? Then, how many of the ones who became new clients became lifetime clients?

That’s the cycle that you should be looking for and you should be monitoring.

Google Analytics Dashboard

So if you don’t know how many visitors, and you don’t know your conversion rate, or how many opt-ins you had, then you’re not paying attention to your medi spa online business and success. Online marketing is the most important thing you can do for your business. Let’s face it, consumers are going to find you online before they find you anywhere else.

And if you’re not taking care of that, who’s going to? Your competition will! So watch out! Make sure you check your Google Analytics and do what you need to do to make sure that it converts.

If your spa or medi spa website is not working for you 24/7 or you’re not getting enough visitors to your website, here are some things that you should look for:

One is you probably are not adding new content to the site. Google is not seeing it as value. Maybe you’re not adding videos to your website. That’s another strategy you should be doing.

By the way, if you haven’t checked out 360 Business Videos, you should. They can help you do all the video editing or come on location. So, go check out 360 Business Videos. They do all my videos.

And then third is if you don’t have testimonials, raving fans, social proof on your website, or a newsletter. A newsletter with new content all the time, or a blog or vlog. Then again, Google is not going to see you as a valuable platform.

So the more content you put on your site, the more visitors you’re going to get and the more traffic you’re going to lead to your business. So, it’s never-ending. You have to keep your hands in your website all the time and you always need to be monitoring how successful it is. I can talk about this actually all day! Online is so important.

I encourage you to check your analytics. See how effective your site is and make necessary adjustments.

Need help improving your medical spa website? We’re always here for you. Just reach out to us.

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Until next time, stay inspired.

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