Happy November!

A note from Dori

Happy November!

Here we are in the last quarter of the year!

November is the month to be thankful and show appreciation, and that is exactly what I am doing in this issue! I want to thank all of the InSPAration Management community members by offering you a few gifts.

Your gifts include a complimentary pass to a new tele-seminar called Genius Marketing and Sales, a capacity chart, and a marketing assessment. Read the Featured Article for more information and to redeem the gifts!

The featured article this month is about how to become a marketing genius! How well you market your business is a direct reflection on your capacity! What score would you give yourself? Would you receive an A, B, or C for your marketing efforts? Read more

Want to be in the running for the annual biggest gainer winner? Make these last two months your best ever, and start planning your budget for next year! Read the Dori Recommends and discover tools to help you make the budgeting process super easy! Read more

I am so happy to have Charlie come home from UF to be with us for Thanksgiving! We wish you and your families a great month of sharing, giving, counting your blessings, and thanking everyone around you! Let the love and sharing flow!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

and the InSPAration Management Team
spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to InSPArationManagement.com and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance


Expert Interview
Topic: “Chris Sensenig, Employment Attorney, joins Dori”
Date: Date: November 9th, at 3pm EST, 2015 Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business – Volume II
Topic: Content Marketing
Date: November 5th, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Financial Freedom
Topic: Preparing Your Business For Due Diligence
Date: November 17th, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Spa Social Media Marketing
Topic: Facebook Updates And How To Use Them To Your Advantage
Date: November 24th, 2015 – Join Us!

Authority Marketing
Write a Book in One Weekend Seminar
Date: Nov 1st and 2nd, in Orlando, Florida Join Us!
If you missed this one, reserve for next year. Learn More

CoachMe Platinum
November 1st at 2pm-3pm EST

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!

Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies

Have you noticed when you watch news channels or talk shows, they always bring in experts to join the conversation and state their points and expert opinions?

Or how about when you are watching commercials and you see celebrity endorsements? Why does Nike use Michael Jordan, Lincoln use Matthew McConaughey, and other companies pay millions and millions to have celebrities talk about their brands? Why? Because authority marketing works!

The question is how can you use these two models in your marketing efforts? Lets start with being an expert. Answer the following questions:

Are you an expert and a celebrity in your community? How do you know if you are?

Experts and celebrities are:

  • Asked by the media for interviews on the radio, TV, magazines, etc.
  • Positioned as the “go-to person” for your expertise
  • Authors are published in magazines
  • Have written books
  • Have videos discussing their expertise
  • Active on LinkedIn
  • Members of leadership groups
  • Contributors to the community

If you answered NO to most, don’t worry. You can change your present positioning. How?

By having an authority marketing strategy. The following steps will help you change and improve your positioning:

1. Start writing

It can be articles, a blog, or a book. Not everyone can write, but you can learn. If you want to be an expert, this is an important part of the authority status. When you get published, you can use those articles or books in your marketing. InSPAration Management has grown by leaps and bounds because of my articles and my book. Though I have been writing for years, the book put my business on steroids. And you can do the same.

2. Start speaking

Another key ingredient to position you as an expert and celebrity is speaking. I know most people would rather die than engage in public speaking. Again, you can do it! You can start learning how to become a great speaker. Start speaking to small groups and gradually increase that to larger audiences. Before you know, it you will be invited to speak at all sorts of events.

Speaking will set you apart from the rest. If you want differentiation from the competition, start going to professional chapters in your community and give short lectures on how to live a healthier lifestyle. Or how to look younger, or how to lose weight…whatever your specialty is. Once you start speaking, you can take pictures and video so you can repurpose your speaking to market you as the expert.

3. Establish Media Relations

Media professionals are looking for talented people to help them create shows. I was speaking to a new client recently who is coming to the Write a Book in One Weekend Seminar. We were talking about her efforts with the media and she proceeded to tell me this story.

She said, “I was watching my local news the other night and they were featuring the VelaShape Laser, but they were using a person from another state to talk about it. I was so mad that I called up the station to find out why they had not asked me when I live locally. They indicated that they did not know I had the VelaShape Laser.”

The mistake she made was not sending out a press release to the media informing them of this new laser she had. Had she taken the time to build media relations and position herself as the go-to person, they would have approached her for advice. There are missed opportunities like this one all the time.

Being asked for interviews is the best kind of marketing you can do, and it’s free. Send out press releases on a regular basis.

4. Establish a YouTube Channel

Begin filming short segments to give advice to the community. Go check out www.SpaBizTV.com and see what I did. You can do something similar on your site or your YouTube channel. You can do product reviews, treatment demonstrations, interviews with clients, and more.

These are strategies I practice, and they work. Writing, speaking, filming, and having relations with all spa trades. My marketing budget is reduced now. I don’t need to spend money on marketing because people come to me now. I practice pull marketing rather then push marketing. I practice authority marketing and I want to help you do the same.

I am inviting you to join me for the Write Your Book in One Weekend Seminar. This will help you kick-start your authority marketing strategy and drastically improve your positioning.

If you are an entrepreneur who owns a spa or medi spa business, writing a book will give you an edge over the competition. Being a published author will put your business on steroids.

This is exactly what the CoachMe Platinum members did! They are now published authors.

Click here & listen to the Authority Marketing tele-seminar and to learn more about the Write Your Book in One Weekend event so you can start your path to your new positioning!

Need help? Call us or email us at Info@InSPArationManagment.com

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Partnering for Success!

CoachMe Expert Interview

Day spa owners and doctors are always asking me, “How do we establish and build healthy relationships with each other?”

If you are seeking that answer and you are looking for ways to tap into new revenue streams, join us for the next CoachMe Expert module!

I have invited Dr. Samuel Shatkin, a leading Plastic Surgeon and spa owner, to discuss innovative ways for day spas and physicians to partner up. Dr. Shatkin is an expert in this area. He speaks throughout the U.S. helping professionals like you!

The Tele-seminar is on Monday, October 5th, at 3:00 EST

Not familiar with CoachMe Expert?

Click Here to learn more & to reserve your spot!

Join by October 5th
& gain access to the previous
interviews as a bonus!


Join Now SALE:  $29      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue

Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies

Join us for a complimentary tele-seminar!

We are introducing a new CoachMe Gold Series to help you with your marketing and sales efforts. The new CMG series is called Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies. You are going to love the results you will gain!

You’re invited to a complimentary tele-seminar on November 4th to gain a sample of what you will learn. This series is going to focus on learning new strategies and how to implement them within your business.

Click here to register and to join us.

Join Now!

Planning a Successful Holiday Season

Ready for a successful holiday season?

Create a holiday plan with gift card strategies, promotions, and VIP events that are sure to help you meet and exceed your last quarter goals. Learn the importance of including your team in the planning and preparation for your big holiday event and a successful season.

We will also focus on post-event strategies to get more for your money and how to measure your success. End the year with a bang and start the New Year refreshed and confident!

Purchase Planning a Successful Holiday Season CD for only $79, regular price $149

BONUS: Holiday planning map and transcript

Click Here to learn more about CoachMe!Gold and grow your business!

Happy September!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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