Dori Recommends – January

It’s Time To Leap!

In this month’s InSPAration Moments, Dori Recommends It’s Time to Leap! A Complimentary One Hour Webinar!

If you are looking for ways to improve your medi spa and day spa, this webinar is a must-see event.

Watch it and discover the 4 S’s to help you Leap Into Success.

The 4 S’s are: Systems, Structure, Solutions & Strategies. They are business principles we teach during the Leap Ahead seminar.

Thousands of individuals have already applied these principles and are experiencing great success! Now It’s Your Time To Leap! Watch it now and chart a new path to success!

Click here to register for the Complimentary One Hour Webinar!

Learn more at or call InSPAration Management at (386) 226-2550.

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