Building Client Relations with e-Marketing

E-mails are one of the most powerful marketing tools available today if planned and executed properly. E-marketing is easy, affordable, direct, actionable and highly effective.

You can use e-marketing to:

  • To connect with clients between spa visits
  • Provide spa tips and valuable content
  • Drive client awareness on special offerings, success stories, and other benefits,
  • Facilitate client wellness through education
  • Reservation confirmation and more

Did you know marketers can expect an estimated $46 ROI for every dollar invested on email marketing! Email’s ROI index is 70% higher than any other direct-response marketing vehicle.
Email delivers sales at an average cost of less than $7.
Source: Simms Jerkins author of Email Marketing

Today, more and more people are online. How do online consumers spend their time?

  • 87%: Read email
  • 70%: Search for information
  • 64%: Do research
  • 60%: Shop

That’s why it is so essential that you have an e-marketing plan. Most spas send out email blasts announcing one promotion after another. This type of email communication is not very effective. Frequently, people opt out form this kind of generic email methods. The best practice for e-marketing is to do the following:

1.Generate a spa consumer e-zine with valuable content

  1. Promotional campaign

E-zine content strengthens client relations.
Education: Educate your consumer on topics that may not be addressed in the spa. A well-educated client uses products and services to their greatest advantage.

Connection: The more personal a company is and the more they communicate, the more the consumer feels connected and trusts the company. Being a trusted adviser to your consumers will make them feel they are more than just a revenue stream to you.

Value: Providing your consumers with relevant and helpful information, besides just promotions, gives your clients a sense that they are getting better value for their dollar, which will keep them coming back to you for more.

Increased Sense of Wellness: Consumers can lose site of the fact that spas are more than just a ‘feel good’ experience. Exposing them to other wellness topics will keep your clients feeling healthier…inspiring them to come into your spa more often and spend more money.

Experts agree and evidence shows that profitability is all about creating loyal clients and driving repeat business. Since it is roughly $6 to $12 cheaper to sell to an existing client than it is to acquire a new one, the value of client loyalty and repeat business is just too compelling to ignore. Source: Constant Contact

Ready-To-Go e-News making your life easier...
Ready-To-Go e-News making your life easier…

E-Marketing is the most effective way to increase sales, drive traffic into your spa, and develop client loyalty.

  • Time: Emails are more quickly disseminated…great for time sensitive info (takes minutes, not days or weeks)
  • Money: Costs less for greater impact.
  • Increased Profitability: A 5% increase in retention yields profit increases of 25 to 100%. On average repeat client spend 67% more than new clients. Source: Bain and Company

Would you like to publish your own spa e-zine that contains the following topics? You can with Ready-to-Go e-news. How about including some of the following topics…

Physical Health:

  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Spa Cuisine Recipes
  • Prevention

Mental Health:

  • Stress Management
  • Relationships
  • Work-Life Balance


  • Treatments
  • Services
  • Beauty

Environmental Health:

  • Healthy Products
  • Healthy Home
  • Personal Products

Customized Features:

  • Promotions
  • Guest Success Stories
  • Team Highlights
  • Treatment Highlights

If you like the idea of having your own spa consumer e-zine but don’t have the time to write articles, look into Ready To-Go e-News it will make creating an e-zine a breeze.


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