What is the Best Way to Recruit Talent?



“What is the best way to recruit medi spa or spa talent?”

The right word to use is “recruit” talent. The problem with most medical spa, wellness centers and spa businesses is they don’t recruit. They simply put an ad in Indeed or Craigslist or whatever platform they like to advertise for talent and they wait for people to submit resumes. Well, that’s one way to hire.

But the best way to hire is just like they do in sports — where they go out and they scout for talent and they recruit the right people. So, what’s the best way to do it?

Look at your surrounding medi spas and spas and start getting to know who are the best of the best employees. Go after them; go recruit them. People sometimes tell me, “But you know, I don’t feel right about doing that.” Well, do you think the Yankees or the Magic or the Lakers or these sports teams are afraid to go recruit because they don’t want to have other teams think that they’re stealing their talent? It’s business and you have to have an A team to be the best of the best!

To have an A Team, you’ve got to go and recruit. So have no fear, just go out and get the best of the best. That would be a way for you to build your A Team. Now if you need help, we have a couple of great tools for you. One is the Blueprint to Effective Team Building. This is a medi spa and spa business tool that everybody should have. It also comes with a manual and in it, I go over the C.L.A.R.I.T.I. hiring system. It’s a great system to help you recruit the best of the best.

So if you don’t have it in your success library, it’s definitely a must. Building a great team takes time and you need to have a great compensation model and benefits to keep them once you recruit them.

You need an A team that’s performing so you can achieve your goals.

If you want to learn more, you can always reach out to us and we can go over some more effective medical spa strategies
with you.

Visit InSPArationManagement.com or call (386) 226-2550.

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