Are you in the RACE?

daytona-race-track I was in Daytona Beach all this week.  This morning as I was out getting my coffee, I passed by the Daytona Race Track.  In case you don’t know, the Daytona 500 is approaching quickly. It’s next weekend but already people are piling in Daytona Beach.  As I was driving by, campers are lined up in the infield with very few spots left.  This is the biggest car race of the year!  Daytona Beach has done a great job marketing this event.  The city captures thousands of tourists who spend millions of dollars during the month of February.  So here is a question for you, why does the American public love racing so much?  As a matter of fact, racing is the number one watched sport in America.  Yes, more than football, basketball, and even baseball.  Aren’t you surprised to hear that?  I guess we just love speed!

You’ve been in the “rat race.” It seems that we are in a constant rush and moving at a very fast speed. Doing, doing, doing, our life is a race.  That’s why people need to go to the spa, right? To slow down, relax, and recharge, so they can continue with the race. 

Just like in a real race, drivers have to make a PIT STOP.  If they don’t, they can’t finish the race.  We need to apply the same philosophy to our business. Pretend your spa business is a car in a race. Once you get on the track, you are there with all your competition, going around and around.  But while you are doing that, you have to plan your spa winning strategies.  You need to know when it’s time for new tires, gas, check the oil, wash the windshield, etc.  Also, a key factor is your spa team.  Are they on top of their game?  Can they deliver quality service at a fast pace so you can win the race?

Many business people skip the pit stop. They don’t take time to learn and fine tune their strategies. They just keep going around and around, with no end in mind.  It’s sad but true, we see it all the time as a consulting firm.  Only the top 20% of all businesses have a strategic plan. The rest barely make ends meet. 

When we host the Leap Ahead spa director seminar, the people who attend are the people who are already successful and they want to be more successful.  The people who urgently need this educational event are nowhere to be found! They are on the race track with no plan and no chance to win. Sooner or later, they will run out of gas or even crash!  Sorry to be so blunt, but it is true.

If you have not made a PIT STOP recently; you should, so you can at least have a chance at winning the race.  Join us for our LEAP AHEAD in 2010 seminar.  Let us help you win the race!!

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