Many students recently graduated. They have spent years being students. Some are good students and maybe some are not so good. Again, the good, old 80/20 rule applies. The top 20% are probably great students and the rest are average. Being a great student carries on throughout a person’s career.
Some people never open another book, attend a seminar, or listen to an educational CD once they graduate. Others continue their educational journey. Which one are you??
Well, if you are reading this, you are in the top 20%. Obviously, you want to be a good student. As a coach, I run across good students and not so good students. The good ones improve on their business all the time. The not so good students have good intentions, but they get distracted easily.
Assess how good of a student you are.
1. Are you even a student?
2. Are you a good student?
3. Are you a great student?
4. Are you an average student?
How can you improve and become a great student? Improving is possible when you have a coach!
A business coach helps you: Identify your goals, stay focused, offers advice, holds you accountable, and insures that you succeed.
Learn more about an economical, yet very effective, way to have a coach by becoming a CoachMe member