SPA Assessment


How healthy and profitable is your business?

Just like with our bodies, we need to visit the doctor for an annual check-up, we need to do the same for our business to ensure growth and good financial health.

When was the last time your business had a check-up? Isn’t it time for a professional assessment?

InSPAration Management can provide you with an onsite or remote assessment, to help you identify your strengths and challenges, and provide you with recommendations on how to improve your business . We assess the following segments of your business:

Identify your ratios

New client acquisition and conversion rate

Revenue and client engagement

Copy and image

Systems and structure

Team Compensation
Compensation model and performance

Secret Shopper
Guest experience and retention


To get you started, we invite you to take three online assessments:

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We have helped many businesses regain their financial health and we can help you too! Submit a form for a discovery call and quotation.
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