SPA Compensation Innovation


VPG ComPlan – Volume per Guest ComPlan

Are you still paying your team the same old way? Is your commission rate so high that you are not getting paid?
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This revolutionary compensation plan is designed to address two significant challenges facing the spa industry: high compensation rates & low profit margins. The VPG ComPlan encourages the entire spa team to be more aware of their performance and focuses on increasing the Volume Per Guest for both service and retail sales. The VPG ComPlan is designed to pay the team their “true worth”. It offers an escalated commission structure based on achieved targets. It will revolutionize your compensation structure and align the payout rate and insures profits!

By implementing the VPG ComPlan you will…

• Pay your team their true worth
• Increase the VPG for both service and retail
• Bring forth performance awareness
• Set performance standards and accountability
• Reward top performers
• Save compensation payout for average or poor performers
• Reduce overall compensation ratio
• Become more profitable

What you will receive:

The VPG CD contains step by step direction on how to develop your own compensation plan. Also, it includes all the excel spread sheets you’ll need to customize your own compensation plan for each spa position.

While attending the Leap Ahead with Leadership excellence spa director seminar, l learned about the VPG ComPlan and as soon as I heard Dori explain it, I knew this would be an excellent compensation structure for my spa. I couldn’t wait to transform my current compensation plan to the VPG ComPlan. Before we implemented this plan, our therapists were making a commission driven by seniority, experience, skill sets and retention rate. They did not have an incentive or a penalty for achieving or not achieving targets related to sales volume per guest. All that changed once we implemented the new VPG Complan. This has transformed our performance! By implementing the VPG ComPlan our performance has soared! We were able to increase our service VPG (volume per guest) by 30% and our retail VPG and volume by 25%. Our payroll cost is now at a respectable ratio of our overall budget. Thanks Dori!
Susan Thomas – CFO

Don’t wait.

The VPG ComPlan is used by spas all over the world. Spa’s that have chosen to implement the program absolutely love their financial transformation. Purchase now and gain financial health by implementing the VPG ComPlan!
Receive one complimentary hour of coaching to insure proper implementation.
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