Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

5095499-2550x1914Happy New Year!

Every January, many of us make resolutions. We promise ourselves that things are going to be different this year.We start off excited, for some people it may last through the month of January, for others through the first quarter. But by then for most, the excitement and dedication fade away.Why is that? And how can we keep that excitement and drive going the entire year?

Here are 7 tips to keep you motivated:

  1. Write short, medium and long term goals for the entire year. Describe them in detail.
  2. List expected results and benefits you will gain by accomplishing each one of the goals you wrote down.
  3. Create an action plan with timeline to outline when you would like to accomplish each one of your goals.
  4. Measure your results and make adjustments when needed.
  5. Reward yourself when you achieve a goal!
  6. Review your goals frequently. You know what they say “out of sight, out of mind.”
  7. Hire a business coach. A coach will hold you accountable and make sure you stay on task to accomplish the things you need to do.
  8. Keep reading and attending advanced business education.

“A person without goals is like a ship without a rudder. Sooner or later, you will end up on the rocks.”Napoleon Hill- Think and Grow Rich.

Wishing You a Very Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR!

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