Should I Keep My New Medi Spa Together or Separate from My Medical Practice?



“Should I Keep My New Medi Spa Together or Separate
from My Medical Practice?”

Hi there, Dori Soukup here, founder of InSPAration Management, with another Question of the Week. I’ve been getting this question quite often because I am speaking at all the Empire Medical Training events.

Many of the doctors are there to learn how to do their medical and technical skills for Botox, fillers, lasers and all those medical spa treatments. Many of them already have a thriving practice, and now they’re opening a Medispa.

This question came to us from Dr. Lehman. He asks, “I have a very successful practice and am opening a new Medispa. Should I keep them together? Or have them be separate?”

That’s a very good question. As I mentioned, I’m asked this question often. There are so many variables to answering this question. It depends on the space that you have currently. Do you have enough rooms to bring in another business or not? Are you renting separate space to launch your Medispa?

Space is the number one thing you should consider. If you have space, and you can have that nice guest experience for both branches — the medical practice and the Medispa — then ideally it would be a good idea to have them together. You’ll be able to cross-market from one side to the other. I have many dermatologists, OB-GYNs, cardiologists, you name it. So many doctors have their practice, and then they have the Medispa. That’s one way to do it.

Now if you don’t have this space, then, of course, you need to go find a space. But I would recommend if you have the right target market for your practice and it’s the same target market that you’re going after with your Medispa, then you should have it nearby. Again, you can still cross-market, even though it’s not in the same actual location. That’s something also to consider.

Now if you have a practice and the target market for your practice has nothing to do with the Medispa target market at all, they’re not the right people for the Medispa. Then it doesn’t matter where you have it. You can just go rent space in an affluent area where you can attract people that can afford your Medispa treatments

As you see, there’s a lot of things to consider. My advice would be to set up a private coaching call with me. Let me understand a little bit more about your business to know exactly what you have going on. Then I can make more proper recommendations for you.

But all three scenarios I shared with you work and I’ve seen them work. It all depends on whether this will work for you or not. Those are the things that you should consider. I hope I answered your question.

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Until next time, stay inspired!

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