InSPAration Moments • Featured Article – September 2019

Achieve Success Through Coaching
and Mentoring the Team

Behind Every Successful Team is a Great Coach!

Could you imagine a professional sports team without a coach? How effective could that team be?

In sports, the head coach is ultimately responsible for a team’s performance. If the team is performing, the head coach is recognized. If the team is producing poor results, the head coach is usually terminated.

Prior to the start of the season, all players attend a pre-season boot camp. They go over plays, learn how to play as team, run practice drills, and rehearse each play over and over. During this process, the coach is constantly seeking for ways to improve their game. The team has a playbook; planning offensive and defensive strategies. After boot camp, they maintain training and coaching schedules for the entire season.

The coach provides mental and physical workouts to stay fit and maximize performance in order to crush other teams. They never stop training…

During the game, where do you find the coach? On the sideline: watching, supporting, motivating, strategizing… not in the office, or in the locker room.

The coach communicates to the team throughout the game. Coaches call a “time-out” when they need to refocus the team or change the team’s game plan. They are continuously planning, strategizing and making adjustments to win the game. They actively watch and aim to perfect the team’s performance.

You may be thinking… professional sports players and coaches earn millions of dollars. That is true. However, everyone in the medi spa and spa industry can earn more if they apply the same coaching and training discipline and principles to their organization.

Implement the following to steps to perfect your coaching skills:

  • Designate a Head Coach
  • Provide training tools such as the Recipes for Success team training modules
  • Establish continuous training/coaching schedule
  • Incorporate coaching observations into your operation
  • Implement the I.C.A.R.E. Coaching System
  • Utilize “time-out” coaching moments to help develop your team
  • Track performance

Why all the focus on tracking statistics and measuring performance? Without tracking and identifying what is broken or weak; it is very hard, if not impossible, to make improvement to your medi spa or spa business.

Track the team’s performance on daily basis. Establish daily, weekly and monthly targets and goals. Compare actual performance vs. targets. Make adjustments to keep the medical spa team focused and aimed towards success.

Below are Key Performance Indicators you must be measuring:

  • Revenue per guest for treatments and retail
  • Guest retention rate
  • Up-grade opportunities
  • Team-cross marketing
  • Training participation
  • Guest experience, protocols and rituals
  • Attitude, attendance, work ethic
  • Number of referrals
  • Number of reviews

Focus on Coaching and Soar!
Need help to learn how to coach your team effectively?

Join me for the I.C.A.R.E. About My Team
webinar and learn the I.C.A.R.E. Coaching System.
See the Bright Idea to register!

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