How Fit is Your Spa Team?

3200661-raceWhen it comes to being FIT whether it’s the team, our business or our bodies to be FIT takes a lot work.No one gets a beautiful physique without many hours in the gym every week.And no business or team is successful without many hours of training.Your business performance is a direct reflection on how much time you spend on training your team.So let’s have a moment of truth, how much time do you designate per week on raining your team?Do you have a training curriculum for your team?Who is responsible for training in your spa?

Who is the coach?

One of things I learned long ago is that for a business to succeed you need to have effective systems in place and then keep training those systems until they are perfected.In my current position I have the opportunity to speak to many spa owners and directors and the one thing I notice over and over is the lack of a training structure within the spa.Spa leaders need to put on the trainer and coach hat more often if they want to build a strong and a fit team to produce profit and reach new heights.

I like to use sports analogies because they have a lot in common with business.Sports teams spend a lot of time training and sharpening their skills. The coaches are always on the floor watching and coaching their teams.They take time-out, watch tapes, create plays and map-out game strategies.You too have a TEAM and if you want to win you need to spend the time coaching and training.

Not only do you need to train your team but you need to continually improve your own skills.

Over 80% of fortune 500 companies provide professional coaching to their management team. Through coaching, companies and individuals increase profits, grow market share, and achieve greater success! Register to win an executive coaching session. do you have a Coach? you cn particpate in the new CoahMe! program for only $9.95 per month

Here are some strategies for you to get your team and your business in best shape!

Create two training tracks

1. Business training

  • Revenue generation – focus on what the team can do to increase service and retail revenue.Train both the therapists and receptionists
  • Marketing – self and cross promoting
  • Upgrading treatments and promoting series
  • Guest relations – increasing retention rate

2. Technical knowledge

  • Treatment protocols
  • Product knowledge – services and retail
  • Guest experience – rituals

Develop Healthy Business Habits

Training schedule

Develop a training calendar and publish it.Training session can be as short as 30 minutes.

Getting the team into a training habit is essential to you success make the training the same day and time.

Training Agenda

Being prepared with an agenda and a purpose portray a professional image to your team and will keep them engaged.

Evaluating your Training

It’s always wise to evaluate your training to insure productive sessions and obtain feedback.

Assistant coach

As in sports the head coach has assistant coaches to assist them, who are your assistant coaches?If you don’t have them it’s time for you to develop some key players to assist you.

Setting Goals

I was a doing a private training last week at a spa and part of the training required the team writing down their goals. Frankly I was so surprised with what I saw.The team looked like they have never set goals before.Many of them did not even know what their goals should be.Does your team know what is expected of them?Do you have goal setting sessions every month and do you measure results?

Measuring results

Not measuring results is like getting on the playing field with a bunch of people running around and not keeping score of the game.Setting goals and measuring results is the only way to run a successful business. You need to know who your starters are and utilize their skills.

Being Fit takes self discipline, motivation, dedication and consistency.If you invest the time in your team development your business will thrive and produce great profits.

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