Great Ways to Show Your Team You Love Them



It’s the month of love; so why not go out of your way to show your team you love and appreciate them?  Here are a few quick and inexpensive ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your team.

Will You Be Mine?

Remember the fun and quirky Valentine’s cards you passed out when you were in elementary school?  Give your team a blast from the past with an old school Valentine’s share day.  Invite your team to bring in their favorite Valentine’s cards to pass out with the team.  It might be a little cheesy but everyone will surely get a good laugh.

Pamper Day

If your schedule allows, have an after-hours swap day for your spa team.  Ask the team to pitch in with their favorite snacks while they enjoy a pamper day of complimentary spa treatments from one another. Include simple treatments such as polish changes, seated chair massage, warm paraffin, or a do-it-yourself mask /facial bar.

This will help unite the team and also serves as a way to revise cross promoting!


Valentine’s Toast

Begin your spa team opening and mid-day shifts by sharing a few words of love and encouragement for your team with a special Valentine’s toast.  You can serve mocktails or make it even more personalized by sharing a hand-wrapped fine chocolate or macaroon with them to make the day all the more special.

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