November 2015-Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies

A note from Dori

Happy November!

November is the month to be thankful and show appreciation, and that is exactly what I am doing in this issue! I want to thank all of the InSPAration Management community members by offering you a few gifts.

Your gifts include a complimentary pass to a new tele-seminar called Genius Marketing and Sales, a capacity chart, and a marketing assessment. Read the Featured Article for more information and to redeem the gifts!

The Featured Article this month is about how to become a marketing genius! How well you market your business is a direct reflection on your capacity! What score would you give yourself? Would you receive an A, B, or C for your marketing efforts? Read more.

Want to be in the running for the annual Biggest Gainer Winner? Make these last two months your best ever, and start planning your spa budget for next year! Read the Dori Recommends and discover tools to help make the budgeting process super easy! Read more

I am so happy to have Charlie come home from UF to be with us for Thanksgiving! We wish you and your families a great month of sharing, giving, counting your blessings, and thanking everyone around you! Let the love and sharing flow!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

and the InSPAration Management Team
spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance


Authority Marketing 
Write a Book in One Weekend Seminar
Date: November 1st and 2nd, in Orlando, Florida – Join Us!

If you missed this one, reserve for next year. Learn More

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business – Volume II
Topic: Content Marketing
Date: November 5th, 2015 – Join Us!

Expert Interview
Topic: Chris Sensenig, Employment Attorney, joins Dori
Date: November 9th, at 3pm EST, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Financial Freedom 
Topic: Preparing Your Business for Due Diligence
Date: November 17th, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Spa Social Media Marketing
Topic: Facebook Updates and how to Use Them to Your Advantage
Date: November 24th, 2015 – Join Us!

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!

Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies

If someone came to assess your spa marketing efforts and test you on your knowledge, what grade would you receive? A, B, C, D, E?

How do you know what grade to give yourself? That will all depend on your capacity.

Here is how to rate your efforts:

  • If your space capacity is between 90% and 100%, give yourself an A.
  • If you are operating at 75% to 89%, give yourself a B.
  • If you are operating from 50% to 69%, give yourself a C.
  • If you are operating at 35% to 49%, give yourself a D.
  • And if you are at or below 34%, give yourself an F.

Ouch…an F! Here are the facts. Most spas operate at 35% of their capacity. Why? Because they fail in marketing. They are getting a D or an F. How about you?

You can have the most beautiful spa or medi spa, but if your spa is only operating at 35% of its potential, you need to start taking different actions so you can have enhanced results.

How do you know at what capacity you are operating?

Download your GIFTS,
(1) the Capacity Chart, and find out your actual capacity.
(2) Take a marketing assessment and rate your efforts.
(3) Receive a pass to join us for the Genius Marketing and Sales tele-seminar.

Watch this video as I show you how to fill in the capacity chart.

Ok, did you complete your Capacity Chart?

How much more traffic do you need to drive to your spa or medi spa to reach your goal capacity? Once you’ve identified this number, you’ll need to implement Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies to help you achieve the results you are looking for.

Here is your success plan

You must have both a marketing and sales department within your spa business model. For the past 17 years, I have watched the spa industry grow. We are up to $15 billion now, but we could be more successful if more businesses would elevate their focus on marketing and sales. Most spas lack structure and definition as to what it means to focus on building these two departments within their business model.
Yes, I am saying marketing and sales. Most say sales and marketing. But that’s incorrect. You must market first to lead people to your spa and medi spa, and then you sell them.
Let’s talk about setting up these two departments within your spa business model:

1. Marketing Department:

How can you implement genius marketing?

a. Have a proven-effective spa and medi spa marketing plan
Make a commitment to plan at least three months in advance. Then, time block the plan on the calendar of the person who is going to do the marketing. If you don’t time block each task, you won’t be effective.

b. Study direct response marketing 
The big mistake I see over and over in marketing copy and strategies is the lack of:

  • Calls to action
  • Urgency
  • Emotional connections
  • Focus on solutions and benefits

Remember, people don’t buy products and services. They buy what the product or service will do for them! They buy the benefit. Keep that in mind when creating your spa marketing materials.

c. Launch spa marketing campaigns
When marketing, you have to use different marketing MIXES. You can’t just count on one method. You need a campaign. For example, let’s say you want to launch a spa membership. To do it effectively, you need to:

  • Create the emails
  • Plan an event
  • Facebook ads
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Direct mail
  • Buttons for the team to wear
  • Brochures
  • Video
  • Press release, etc.

That is a campaign. You want your campaign to bring awareness, pique interest, get them to raise their hand saying, “Yes, I would like to learn more,” and then you sell them.

d. Measure efforts
It’s amazing to me how many times I call a spa or medi spa and rarely do I get asked, “How did you find out about us?” Or, “Where did you see this promotion?” Your spa receptionists are not tracking your marketing efforts. There have to be measurement systems in place in order to determine what is working and what is not.

When you implement these four steps in depth, you will be practicing Genius Marketing!
But that is not what is happening now. Most marketing efforts currently consist of sending out an email, dabbling with social media some, and hosting an event here and there. But even when these strategies are practiced, they are not producing great results, and the cycle continues. As a result of poor marketing, everyone starts the PRICE WAR GAMES. They start discounting more and more because no one is calling.
The thing is, they are not calling because the message is not fulfilling their needs or connecting with them on an emotional level. I always say, “It’s not about price, it’s about value, education, and experience.”

2. Spa Sales Department
Most spas and medi spas don’t have a sales department. Not much focus is placed on selling. What I see is a lot of order taking. 
Do you have a sales department? Here are the sales departments you should have:

  • The spa reception department
  • The call center
  • The consultation
  • The team

It makes me very sad to see so many spa/medispa barely breaking-even instead of growing like crazy. Why? Because they don’t focus on sales. It should not be this way.

How can you transform your spa business to be more focused on marketing and sales?
Follow my Genius Marketing and Sales Recipe!

If you are ready to make changes and implement genius marketing and sales strategies, join me for a complimentary teleseminar and gain an overview that will help you. 
During the 1-hour teleseminar, I will give you a few genius strategies that you can implement. I will also share with you information about the NEW upcoming CoachMe Gold series called Genius Marketing and Sales Strategies to increase capacity and be more successful!

Happy Thanksgiving! This is my gift to you!

Need help? Call us or email us at

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Are you crossing the line? Avoid costly employment mistakes.

Join us for the CoachMe Expert Interview

I hear some horror stories about costly mistakes people make. Last week, I received a call from a young lady who had to pay almost $50K in fines due to her crossing the line with independent contractors.

You think you are doing well when you have hairstylists, massage therapists, and estheticians who are independent contractors, until you tick one of them off and they go to the state and tell on you. How confident are you that you are doing things by the book? Are you crossing the line?

Expert Interview Special

You need to know the guidelines and how not to cross lines between what is considered an employee and what is an independent contractor.

Chris Sensenig is an employment law expert. She will be joining me for the CoachMe Expert interview. We will discuss employment dos and don’ts so you can be informed as to what you can and cannot do.

The Tele-seminar is on November 9th, at 3:00 pm EST.

Not familiar with CoachMe Expert?

Click Here to Learn More & to Reserve Your Spot!

Join by November 9th

& gain access to the previous

interviews as a bonus!


Join Now SALE:  $29      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue


Assess your 2015 and begin planning 2016 growth!

Are you going to be the Biggest Gainer winner this year?

Every year, we do the Biggest Gainer Award and now is the time to give your performance a boost so you can be the winner!

How successful is your year thus far? Here we are in November. Only two more months and the year is over. Generally, November and December should be your biggest months.

I would like you to forecast your overall growth for this year and start planning your success for next year.
Now is the time to work on your budget for next year and plan your success. I remember during my corporate days, November was always budget month. Everyone had to complete the budget for the following year.

Schedule time to do it or have your bookkeeper do it for you. We have the Spa Budget CD that will help you.
It has the pre-formatted Excel file and step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

So, no excuses! Get the budget going so you can have financial clarity.

Join Now SALE:  $250      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue


Congratulations to:

  • El Rio Spa and Wellness, in Iowa | Angie Nichols, Founder & CEO
  • Complexions Spa for Beauty and Wellness, in NY | Denise Dubois, Founder & CEO

For completing the Fresh Start program and becoming CoachMe Platinum members!

Want to learn more about CoachMe Platinum? Click here

Happy November!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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