Implement the following 8 medical spa strategies & have a profitable holiday season!

8 medical spa strategies

Are you ready to make this holiday season your best one ever?

You know the old saying, “people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan?” Get busy now and launch all your medical spa’s holiday plans so you can maximize your profits.

Implement the following 8 medical spa strategies

& ho, ho, ho all the way to the bank!

Product Mix

Display your skin care product offering and gifts in a festive way. Bundling a few items together is a good idea, but make sure the packaging is attractive and irresistible. You want low, medium, and high price points in order to appeal to different clientele. Run reports to determine what sold very well last year and improve upon it. Combine skin care with other gift items such as bath products, accessories, candles, books, jewelry, etc. Get creative and involve your team in creating the gift packages. If they are sold on the items, your providers and guest relations team are more likely to promote and sell them. Pre-wrap some so they are ready to be purchased quickly.

Gift Card & Retail Combination

Gift card sales are always a big hit in medical spas during the holidays, but here is a tip on how to maximize your gift card sales. Don’t sell gift cards alone. Create 3 packages of gift cards and include product/retail gifts within each one. So instead of someone just buying a gift card, they can buy a gift with the gift card. Create a flyer featuring 3 or 4 packages and make sure they are at different price points. Display the gifts in a prominent area within the spa to attract attention and make people aware of the gift packages. This really works! You can increase your gift card sales tremendously.
Medical Spa Gift Idea For The Holidays

Festive Decorations

Make the medspa ambiance festive but keep it simple. Remember, less is more. Include your products within the decorations. A simple thing to do is to display beautifully wrapped packages with ribbons, especially by the gift card area. Have fun and get creative!

Profitable Holiday Event

Hosting an event is a great way to thank all your clients and generate revenue at the same time! Planning a holiday party should involve the whole medspa team. I can write an entire article about this topic alone. But to summarize, you will need to make an invitation, barter all your food and drinks, and decide which treatments you want to feature in each room. Most importantly, set a target as to how much business you want to generate. One key point, upon entering the spa, give the client “medspa dollars” that are only good during the event. Spa dollars should have a call to action asking the guest to purchase gift cards. For example, they can purchase a $1000 gift card and receive $200 free. You can have all sorts of amounts on the spa dollars. The bigger the amount they purchase, the bigger the free offer. They will be able to use these gift cards toward any treatments or give them as gifts. At events like this, depending on how many people you invite, you can generate thousands of dollars in sales. If you want to learn more on how to generate revenue during an event, check out the Six Figures Event Planning Program.

Email & Social Media Campaign

social media platforms

Prepare and send out gift card promotions via e-mail and social media platform. Use Facebook, Instagram (stories and reels), YouTube videos, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote all your gift packages. Shoot a video of all the gifts and push it out to all of the social media platforms. This will give you huge exposure in letting everyone know about your holiday spa gifts. Inform your clients of all the fun and exciting things you have going on this season. If you don’t have an e-newsletter, are not shooting videos, and using social media to promote your business, start now.

VIP Client Gifts

We all have special clients who spend a lot of money. You want to show your appreciation to them with some sort of gift. Let them know they are special to you! You may want to host a VIP event prior to your big event and treat them special. Dr. Walters attended the book seminar, and she will be giving her book to her clients.

Medical Spa Team Targets & Goals

Set team targets for service, retail, and gift card package sales. Announce a reward program to help the team stay motivated and reach their targets.
vpg complan medical spa business model tool


A team appreciation party is a must! Do something special to let them know how valued they are!
Go ahead and get started. We found the best way to get these things done is to time block and schedule them onto your calendar and begin working on them. If you start now and don’t procrastinate, you and your team will have a great Holiday Season!
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