How Can I Come Up With A Great Name For My New Med Spa?



“How can I come up with a great name for my new Med Spa?”

That’s a loaded question! It takes a while to come up with a good name.

It’s not just coming up with a name. It’s coming up with a medi spa or spa identity, who you are and what you stand for.

You can’t just wake up one morning and say, I came up with a name. It really does take some time.

And even when you come up with a name, you want to go to online and see if the domain name is available. And of course, sometimes the domain name is not even available. … So to brainstorm, make sure that your .com, your URL, is going to be available. I would suggest you sit down in front of your computer and go to And from the homepage, you can actually insert the name that you’re thinking about naming your business and see if the domain name is available or not.

You don’t know how many people actually don’t do that. I’ll be doing a private coaching call and they say, “Oh, I came up with this name.” And I’ll ask, “Did you check to see if it’s available as a domain name?” And most times they’ll reply, “no,” and we go online, and it’s not available. So don’t waste your time. Make sure that the domain name is available.

Another good way to come up with a name is to make it say who you are and what you do. If you’re just going to name it something and not have what you do in the name, it makes branding more difficult.

For example, I see that you’re opening a med spa. So you really should have the words “Med Spa” within the name. Because if you don’t have it, then Google will have more difficulty finding you. So if you just call it Allison’s, and not say Med Spa for example, then that’s going to reduce the number of people finding you online.

So whatever the name is, it should say what you are, whether it’s a day spa, medical spa, Wellness Center, or whatever type of business it is that you’re actually opening.

Another thing you want to make sure is that it’s easy for people to spell. I have a lot of clients who call me up and say I want to call it aesthetic, something something. You know that the average person probably can’t even spell the word aesthetic. That’s difficult for most people. So why would you want to name it something that’s difficult to spell?

Have an easy name, easy to remember, easy to spell, easy to find.

Make sure that when they Google it, they’re not finding another place. If you call it Rejuvenation, there’s 10,000 Rejuvenation out there. … Why would you want to spend your marketing dollars to promote someone else?

I’m one that wants to name it something unique. Your marketing dollars should only be promoting your business and not someone else’s business.

You want the name to be part of your story. So, for example, we just helped a med spa in Utah come up with a name. It took me a while to come up with a good name. They absolutely love it. It’s called Ma Vie. So Ma Vie in French means “my life.” So that’s going to encompass all what they stand for. We created their medi spa menu last week. And in their menu, we tell the story of why it’s called Ma Vie. What Ma Vie means and how that’s going to help members of the community.

It’s called Ma Vie Med Spa. So, My Life Med Spa. It’s a great, easy way for people to remember it. Vie in French is life. It’s short, sweet, simple. Their entire meid spa menu is about how to have a more balanced life, how to have a beautiful life, how to have a healthier life.

We took the name and we created the entire menu concept for them around the name. So it does take a lot to come up with a name. Don’t just wing it, because it is who you are and what you’re going to be all about also. Make it part of your story.

Hope that that answered your question. And if you need help with your name, you can always call up and we can walk you through it, set up a private coaching call. We can help you define exactly what you want to do, who you are, who you’re trying to cater to, so you can encompass all these very valuable and important things within your name.

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Until next time, stay inspired!

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