What’s the Easiest Way to Let an Employee Go?



“What’s the Easiest Way to Let an Employee Go?”

Firing an employee should not be a difficult task. It should not be a surprise. If you follow what we teach in The Blueprint to Effective Team Building, you would have consequences in place.

For example, if a medi spa or spa employee is not performing to the level that you want them to, remember, you’re supposed to be coaching them and training them. You also can use the I.C.A.R.E. coaching model that we teach. You should sit down with them and actually do a written documentation of all these efforts that you tried to help them improve their performance.

Now the only reason you should really be letting her/him go is because all the training and coaching you did, did not convert them over into good performers and they’re not producing the results that you want.

If that happened, you should be going through the consequences. Your consequences can be an oral notice, a written notice, a second written notice, and the third one, depending on what it states in your employee manual. Then you should basically let them know that the next time, if we don’t see any more improvements, then this would be it.

You need to tell them, “I have given you all the tools, I have given you all the training, I have done everything I can but performance is not improving” we need to make changes. When it gets to that point, it should not be a surprise. You shouldn’t have to say, “you’re fired,” because they should already know. It should not be a surprise.

This is how you should let employees go. Simply say, “I guess you have decided not to be part of our team.”

If you’ve done everything in your power to help them, and they’re not improving, then they have got to go. So that’s the best way to let an employee go. It’s the easiest way!

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